
This is a place to show your Kira Yoshikage love! I will be putting a bunch of Yoshikage Kira stuff in this little coner of the internet!!! I hope you enjoy your time even if you dont know what JoJos Bizzare Adevnture even is (I would recommeneded it!) You can learn about my fav charater of all time Yoshikage Kira!!

!!Spolier Warnning!!



Added Update page. Added Fandoms page. Fixed the go back buttons. Added image to the main page


Added Kosaku Battle All star to info. Updated About me just a little. Added visuals to main


Updated visuals on the main page


Figured out how to use scroll boxes and updates visuals to main page. Took away Update Page (There right here now)

!To do!

Add scroll boxes to info page

Add scroll boxes to about me

Make the fandom page